Take me for example. Hell yes we fight and yell at each other. Yes, we drive each other crazy to the point of physical pain but there is always that one voice inside our head or heart that reminds us why we said yes in the first place. Then we stop, we walkaway for a breather and we move on. Sometimes the pain SEEMS to much to bear but the sweeter memories hold a greater power over us.
To tell you the truth, there is a lot that I want and sometimes I can be so ungrateful and oblivious to it. I may think I show him that I care enough but I don't. My husband is an amazing man. I am 23 years old. I have never lived on my own, never had to struggle for anything but for which type of cab I should take or what dress I should wear. Never had to make sacrifices and until I met him, I never really knew what it means to be in a relationship. He is a stranger to fighting for what you want and believe in but it is because I am so spoilt and adamant that we are together.
Today, I realize why I chose him. Despite our fights and hurtful words, he managed, in our barely manageable situation, to let me experience my childhood and bring joy to my day. I woke up rushing the cats outside so they wont do anything naughty in the house. I ran past a beautiful surprise that was waiting for me on the dining table... This.
I was so excited and felt like I was 5 again. Ran back into the bedroom and jumped on my husband to kiss him all over to thank him. My Easter Bunny had dropped by!! The card said to work for my prize and I went on my hunt.
Discovering so many wonderful surprises that marks his hard work and efforts to make it enjoyable and meaningful. I got so much more than I had hoped for, more than enough to make up for 23 years of going without having to know what it was like to celebrate Easter as a kid. His words in the written card were heartfelt. Not because it was poetic or anything but because it was rare. I felt engulfed in my own heart. I wished I had all the money in the world to make his dreams come true.
As we sat for lunch, which he made, he had mentioned the wonderful traditions that Marie had done for him and his brothers and how he wanted the same for our child. I felt so blessed and proud that I was carrying his baby. Bad timing, or not. I was going to be the mother of his 1st born child. OUR baby. He didn't have champagne but instead drank with me the sparkling bubbly grape juice. I couldn't have asked for a lovelier way to experience my first Easter.
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