Friday, August 20, 2004

Happy BarfDae To Me

hello finally 17, finally 20 Aug 2004..
Hahaha..anyway, im at home, very with the rest of the world. He did not even..never mind. Here are barfdae wishes:
  1. To Be Happy All The Time.
  2. To See My Family, healthy, happy and quarrel free.
  3. All to be happy and united.
  4. No more fights, no more blurs.
  5. School to be enjoyable and fun always.
  6. My cat just typed b & v on the com
  7. Haha..I wish to stay this happy..
  8. Secret wish: To have just one chance to see HER just one more time..Even in my hold her and just see her. I miss her a lot.. SO i wanna see her just one more time..Just once.Even in my dreams would be ok... Miss you achik. wish youwere here. It feelsn so bad without you..
  9. Then i want to have world peace!! PEACE OUT!!

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