the students of Seirei Christopher University, college of nursing came to Singapore, Nanyang Polytechnic for this week and i get to play host. The xchange student who was with me is called Kano Shoko. I call her Shoko-chan. (*see pic) Very sweet girl. Speaks little english but believe it or not, we spent the wee hours of the morning chatting. (conversing in 日本語- Japanese) 0_0 cool na? we slept at 0200hrs.
woohoo~ it was fun Sunday evening, we- dad, me & peifen, fetched them from the airport. Peifen's fren was called Tomoyo( Tomo-chan- sweet girl. big eyes) we went back home, intro to family memebers, went out for dinner. then to padang, supreme court. off to get a bite, we then head for St Andrews cathedral, then to esplanade, the merlion and finally... Fullerton hotel. didn't stay there, just along boat quay to snap many- many pictures. :) it was a terrific idea for Peifen and myself to pair up and go out together, else we never would have survived. not that they were horrid but bcos of the language barrier.
Monday morning it was off to school. went to eat prata with her. Oishii!! おいしい! (^,^) after classes we met and together with PF, we went to Bishan, take Neoprints -PuriKura! 興味深い表面 then to Swensens to eat EARTHQUAKE!! 地震アイスクリーム! went to popular book store then bought the paper stars. me & Shoko-chan made the stars together and i put it in a small jar for her to bring home to Japan.
Tuesday off to school again and evening we went to Orchard's S11 for dinner.
that's it. :p