I asked my mother whether dreams came true.I asked my father if perfection existed.
I asked my friends if love was true.
I asked god if He would give me happiness in life.
My mother told me Yes, they did.
My dad told me Yes, it does.
My friends told me if it hurts, it is.
I believed everything they said, I was satisfied.
but I wasn't happy. I grew up thinking maybe they had lied.
Lied to make me happy. The truth was, it made me mad.
I lived thru life trying to make my dreams come true.
I ran in circles searching for that perfection.
I bled only to find that the love i had before didn't hurt.
I gave up. I wanted to. I decided that ok, life isn't perfect.
dreams don't come true, love isn't true.
So since god doesn't lie, I asked of him again.
I asked god to set the lies straight. I asked for happiness in life.
I waited. And I waited. Then I waited. I knew god wouldn't desert me.
He didn't. He made sure I knew that He could make perfection exist.
That He had given me strength to make dreams come true.
He showed me how true His love for all his creation was.
God gave me Mark.
And by that he gave me all the happiness in the world.
A perfect dream.