hello, 1119 on a friday. the only friday i dont have to go home @ 2000 and i am at school. PHEUUWWW!! had a busy week holiday. 10 march is still a long way to go before those 3 very different stooges come back from BRUNEI. 10 march will also be Afandi's birthday. small world it is. anyway, going to gran's house after this the moment i finish downloading the bleach episodes. i really have to really on Nick for the Naruto episodes! so NICK! ONEGAISHIMASU! =) olrite. mom told me this morning that dad's getting a car for me but somehow i was rude enuff to tell her i dont need it to come from them.
i knoe my life long principle has always been: "What Khad Wants, Khad Always Gets"
it's true 90% of the time so far. i've been enjoying it so far. all i have to do is want it, tell my dad and he'll get it for me. i havent for anythign ridiculous of course and my dad is not crazy enuff to oblige if it was. his ego is as huge as his pride and it is the same for me in that case. thats why i tot it was about time i did things on my own. i cant forever depend on them. it's a nice feeling but everyone else is getting a car with their own money or taking their licence with their pocket money and savings. Me? I just ask from dad. if i don't start working soon, i'll never be able to get up on my feet in time.
i dunno if i should talk to my dad/mom about this. i think it'll just hurt their feelings. i hope i'll figure this out on my own and soon and eventually tell them about it. gently... *sighz*