my greatest regret was to have lived and yet be dead to the eyes of the world.
the term holiday is soon coming to and end and i have been so happy i dont wish for it to end. attachment at SGH-Ward 47 was so memorable. the staff there was so friendly and welcoming you could have worked 24 hours there and still not feel tired. The respectful thing about them is that they treat us equal and yet they teach when we make mistake. They supervise as they order. It has been a real pleasure working for them. Nothing would make me happier if i were to be sent back to that ward. Would be the posting to look forward to. I brought Asmah out to the park, the shopping centres and all. had loads of fun... Did i mention I watched HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE with Nicole and Jasmine on the release date itself? We had lots of fun. I know, Nicole, Movies.... Stunned. But love for POTTER changed it all. Who can blame her? Anyway it's not everyday that Cole joined us for movies. Hold it. I'm still loyal to my TK alright. No way. Radcliffe we share. TK is mine... ALL MINE!! Wahaha.. Just kidding. anyway Happy holidys everyone!!!

White Christmas @ Snow City!!
Love and Holiday
Happy Christmas & Merry New Year!!