Wednesday, August 11, 2004

.:\Tired And Blushing/:.

well well well...another hectic day..was in school till 1930...studying..believe it? you'd better cos i really was today's entry was supposed to be about the Mr Marc A Kelly but i was browsing thru the net and i saw kumar's friendster display pic..
He was with JB..jun bin..the cute ex.. haha. i was should i sae this..impressed?attracted? ok..
he grew cuter.. so cute...ok not cute..handsome..heart racing.. well it was so.. damn handsome now lor.. tick tock...bop bop bop[heartbeat] anyways..memories are coming back but lol.. we both gotta move on.. let it be just the memories and me lah..any frens reading this.. forget it's just a momentarily thingy... but still find him DAMN handsome now...whatever it is.. pic above.. the one in blue...beside is my bro..kumar.. ok?
Heart still pain...stupid me..ARGH!! why why why...hand itchy go and open the stupid page.. but nvm la.. see liao...heart race liao..nvm..ok thts it...[heart still beating]....

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