Thursday, August 19, 2004

:: Contented With Life ::

hello there sweet babey,
school was excellent can it not be..with pple like ain, adnan, warric, sally, pei fen, nicholas, shikin, ila, jasmine..and of course my sweet darlin abang, JaWorm[Racheal Jason Chua] how can i not be contented with life. tmr's the big day. nothign fancy just a simple lalala and heyheyhey.. thats lah..was just thinking of family celebration tmr and i hope i can do a lil twist to the family..2nd barfdae without my beloved achik.. it has been a blast living with her.. now she's gone..i'll always miss her but i'll miss her the most when it is my birthday or hers. in fact in any happy moments..she'll be there.. i noe it..watching over me.. i noe she is.. just that i dun see her..[most of the time] c'est la vie..that's life.. u love them..then u lose them... it's like can never have something or someone u love for happy moments come and go..

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