Monday, August 23, 2004

::..::Love Is Such Wonder::..::

Love is a many splendour. Whoever said that had to die a happy man. Bcos love doesnt work that way anymore. You love, you break, you cry, you fall.. Never again.
The heart tears and shatters, time is taken to heal the wounds, the eyes get swollen, the heart keeps aching, the soul is searching.
And when all else fails, you turn to suicide. The end of all things, including your life. Nothing seems to be worth living anymore. No one seems to be worth living for. All hope has died, all dreams have shattered, all else has failed. Why should you go on? You have to. You cant live without him, you cant die without being loved by him. Your soul is tortured. Screaming, tearing itself apart..
So close yet so far. Reachable, but never there.
So RAGE burns..The heart is as stoned as ICE. You move never wanting to love again. You say I will never. You grow stronger and colder everyday. The world is spinning at your command and will stop as you wish it will. You rule the entire universe with your anger and conquer every battle there is with love.
You dont wish to get hurt again. So you shut out everyone from your heart. None will you love, none will you hold dear. What has the world gone to, you say. Loving! Is that all they can think of?
Then you see the beauty of love, nature and earth. How the world revolves around with it. The universe spins at the willpower of love. One you can never match. A power and force you cannot match. You never can. You realize that this retaliation will not get you far, but u still fight.
A war has broken in yourself. Once again, the heart is torn apart not by him, but by love instead. Just Solely Love. A WAR!! Every batlle won, is every Wound found. You cannot do anything about it.
You dont have the power, because the wise once said..

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