Monday, August 16, 2004

Sad, Sad, Sad...

It has been ages since i last talked to Mark. Dreamt about him yesterday..i miss him alot alot.. sob Sob..anyways, yesterday was just basically staying at home and not duin much...bored myself to death with books on scitzophrenia and psychiatry...the books were damned good. really into that stuff.. hehe. looks like ive planned my future career. guess. anyway..mark..i miss you loads and loads.. miss tokin to ya...miss chattin with ya..missed ya tha most. *sigh* Anyway, i have school today and mom forgot my pocket money.. again..stupid..have to go to granny's to get dumb and tiring.. ok...catha some other time...

Signing off,
.::Professor Of Bitchiology::.

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