Tuesday, August 10, 2004


ok... 10 august it is..loving morning and wad better way to start my day with mark..Lalala Dee Dum.. Haha..any way i had a great weekend. around family members. they were here all weekend i was so happy.. eating and laughing.. prime minister Goh Chok Tong was leaving this year...m quite sad about it... he did a great job "bringing Singapore up" and would continue to do so if it hadnt been for a take over..darn. Well, cheers to the man and god bless him. Yam Seng! actuallie i wanted to cry when he gave his National day message yesterday. Seriously patriotic yesterday and maybe more years to come.. Home.. No place like it.
erm anyway im quite fed up about havin to go to school today...S***....my bros are still sleeping man...wont wake till 2pm er so.. D***!! Why wHy WhY?! wad kind of system is this? tertiary instuitions should be given fair treatment!! Why wHy WhY!! Why the cruelty..wouldnt kill to have another day off..aye? Anyway.. school doesnt end till 1800 today! Can u believe that?! Urgh! I cant. i hope i leave b4 those brats wake up..or they'll be the death of me.. ok thts it..will fill ya in when i have the time.

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