Saturday, March 17, 2007

LIVE! From UK & Singapore

yep that's right! live from UK & SG.. we went live on msn actually. i was so happy. we were so happy. aint that right? lol. anyway.. budding roses. they look so beautiful was up till late last night and today up early bcos mom & dad's gone out of town. apparently gran's sister ha d fall and broke her arm. innalillah. may allah let her heal soon. i coulnt go cos well.. the tickets. and its much better if i didnt. my regards and well wishes are always with her.

this is pretty isnt it? yes what a pretty picture we make. hahaha. now & always. i have a long distance love but i know he's meant for me cos he was sent from up above. i long for his arms to hold me tight, hold me close to tell me everything's going to be alright. i'm blessed to have him in my life, maybe blessed enough he'll take me for his wife. when we age, togther, when i grow old, his hand is the one i want to hold. for better or worse, till death do us part, i love u sweet baby, i love u with all my heart..
school. ended. told u that. no mood to study.. paper on monday. i'll do revision today. (some) anyway.. i passed HS 3077!! Yay! that's one module down.. 2 more to go love! hehehe.. not going anywhere stupid schedule is still not out yet! till later..

ps: you and me. now and always.

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