Tuesday, May 31, 2005

JOhnNy HunNNy

hello.. had a friend..
well we're still friends. his name is johnny.. JOhnny my hunny. back in school when we were classmates. he was a funny nerd and i was, well, me. didnt expect me to be roaming with nerd now didja? but johnny was different. johnny was johnny. if u knew johnny.. u'd think that nerds are cool. u dun have to be cool to be great. johnny was great. he was funny sweet and everything else.
we'd joke in class with missy wongebaba. lol. there was this one time, i shoved a pic of myself into his wallet. i made him swore that he'd have the pic forever. well he still does. for a hell two long years plus. well he says he still does. didnt know of another man as sweet. except MARK but he's a god.. that's different. Johnny is a friend. we chat yesterday. he reminded me of something i forgot, so embarassing. there was this one time when johnny decided to be funny and then johnny tugged on my bra strap. for jokes sake.. nothing sexual. i hope. (0_o) gulp!
Guess what i did? I made a sharp turn around and slapped his face. Yep. Jus like in the dramas where the fierce heroine would. well.. i was fierce but not a heroine. Whoa! Johnny said he can still feel it. Johnny Johnny Johnny. I was hard-hearted enuff not to apologise to him for it. but i did yesterday. didnt i johnny?
Lol.. he'd say "No! No! No! You stay where you. DOn't come near me!" to me and fadhila everytime we come close to pinch him or tease him. Haha. Those were the good old days. Ain't it Johnny Hunny?
Well JOhnny has changed now. no more mr-bully-me-and-i'll-do-nothing, but someone more confident and hell more stylish than before! Whoohoo.. there's plenty more with Johnny if u ask me. Sitting in skeleton warrior's class together sometimes studying, sometimes well.. we laugh. in between classes we'd crack out with laughter together with sick-lame but funny jokes. we're intellectually crazy man. johnny my man. johnny is the man. uSed to order johnny around so much i was like a queen. sending Johnny to the canteen from the 4th floor to get me a drink or something. Bad me bullying poor Johnny. But That aint the Johnny now. oh.. i'm telling u. U mess around with Johnny.. "SOMEBODY'IS GOING TO GET HURT REAL BAD! SOMEBODY. I'M NOT GOING TO SAY WHO. BUT SOMEBODY." Haha. remember that johnny?
okok that's all about johnny. Johnny my man.

OK. thats all. Oh btw.. johnny,
For every JOHNNY that is highlighted, is an apology from me for all those times i was nasty to you pal... forgive my rudeness and impulsive ness. (^_^'''') ok?
friends forever.

Prof Khad.
MBBS PhD In Bitchiology.
University of Gotham City.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

crazy life we live in

the crazy life we lead.
so unpredictable and unsure. but tat makes things more interesting for human sometimes. u never know what lies ahead of you. u can only plan things but u cannot make them happen unless it is with god's grace. do you know what it means to be loved? lucky you. better to have loved and lost than to not love at all. BUT it is better to not love at all rather than to have love and lost. Always better that way. You dun get hurt and you don't hurt anyone at all.
crazy but true. you can never evade love. there is no one is this world who is born unloved. those who dont'have lovers are loved by friends. not by friends, by family. not by family, by parents. not by parents by god. not by god then it is only yourself who has chosen not to be loved.
that is the beauty of love. you're always loved 24-7. but to feel that love, you need to want to be loved. if not, no amount of miracle can salvage your dark and fallen soul.
start with loving urself, then ur parents or your surrounding, and you'l see the beautiful side of life, world and humanity.
for me, i have yet to find the meaning of it all. i cannot say that i have not fallen into love's traps before, i have but there is nothing that i can do about it but to learn and see the beauty of it.
had i not learnt, i would never have known. in my stories, heros and heroines fall in love and live happily ever after. but things dun usually go that way. my characters always have to undergo a SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS. then they pass thru the realm of discovering their courage. never know if that one person you deny the very most might be the one who loves you the very most.

my dad, he says he doesnt look back. neither do i. we bring the past into our future, my father and i becos we learn from it. We dont hate. We just remember your faults. FOREVER. only then will you know how much u have hurt us.

but tht is the beauty of it all. you love you'll get hurt, happiness all in one.
Love is truly an all rounder if u ask me..

OH HAppY BaRfDae To GrannY!
sHe's 65 tmR. I LoVe You.

0328 am it is!

i know call me mad.. i dun care.. i have been in front of the computer for five hours.. editing my moronic blog. Now it looks fabulous! HEhe.. Anywayz.. I'm tired.. but happy. had a wonderful day outside and at home. Well I guess tat's short notice. i'll be updating the JUSTICE LEAGUE blog tmr if i have the time. Eh? Jya Ne.


Good Night!

Monday, May 23, 2005

his the one

I'll tell you why i'm happier alone..

i'm not single becos i chose to be..
i'm not alone for no reason..
i'm not perfectionist. i'm not materialistic(not exactly)
but i am used to getting the best in everything..
how can i let my boyfriend be an exception?
you make my heart race even when ure not around
i smile like a child in his mother's arms when i look at you.
such tranquility, such insanity.. all at the same time.
how can it be?then again, how can it NOT be.. It's you. Of course it can be.
everytime a good boy comes along, impresses me.
then went i finally tot he was, im reminded of your existance.
of the times u made me smile like i was in fairytale land.
of the times u made millions of butterflies flutter like wild in my stomach.
of all those times u made me shy away from my screen..
every single time i try, i will remember you.
i will remember all those things.
i will always remember tht there is a perfect man.
he just isnt here.. yet. isnt here yet.

TO him who makes me smile whenever he signs in.. LOL

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Helloooooooo.....fellow cats and purrs~

Ohisa Shi Bure Danne!! Been a long time!
yep first part of the attachments are over and holidays are here... anyway... good to be back.. just changed my mobile number.. new phone.. getting a new notebook. wahaha! finally.. my dreams have come true. thanks to mom... love ya. dad was the one who bought my phone.. looks like my barfdae gifts come in early this year. LOL!!

Okay that's all..
keep in touch.
Missing Marc.. I'll see you online soon

Prof. MBBS.PhD. Bitchiology
University of Gotham City